Just a reminder that today, Monday, December 5, 2022, will be an early dismissal at 2:00 p.m.
HES celebrated Good Behavior today with college athletes! Thank you John A Logan basketball, volleyball, and SIU football for coming out to play with the kids. The kids had a ton of fun!
The window is now open to nominate your favorite teacher for the ROE #21 Teacher Of The Month spotlight for Williamson county! All Nominations must be submitted by December 15, 2022.
Nominate your favorite teacher now at https://buff.ly/3XOHUTY
Just a reminder that today, Monday, November 28, 2022, will be an early dismissal at 2:00 p.m.
HES 2nd graders looked great for their play! Mrs. Mausey’s class had a great time making pumpkin pie in a cup! HES staff hopes everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving! #thankfulforourstudents🐾
HES had a special turkey show up today in the car rider line! Thank you, Mr. Lukens for being a great sport! 🦃
Thank you, Mrs. Stephanie Allen, for taking time in your busy day to come read to Mr. Millikin’s class! 🧡🐾🖤
We are so proud of these students for leveling up on their Lexia. Great job and keep up the fantastic work!!
The breakfast and lunch menus for December 2022 are now available! Don't forget our dining menu is always accessible on the school website: https://herrincusd4il.sites.thrillshare.com/o/hhs/dining
Friday, November 18th is SUBSTITUTE EDUCATORS DAY!!
Substitute educators play a vital role in the maintenance and continuity of daily education.
These professional educators provide a critical link in the education of public schoolchildren by serving as a bridge to provide continued quality education to children in the temporary absence of regular classroom educators.
H.E.S. is extremely thankful for the substitute teachers that serve our school!!!
HES would like to say thank you to our school board members for their time & support throughout the school year. Some of our local businesses helped us put together a token of our appreciation! 🐾
Seasoning from Louie’s
Dressing from Crystal’s Catering
Ornament from 5T’s
Happy American Education Week! Someone once said "it takes a village" and here at H.E.S., we realize just how true that is. From those who arrive early to those who stay late, from the bus driver and classroom teacher to the cafeteria worker and administrative staff, plus countless others, our students are blessed to have YOU!
Parents are a child's FIRST teacher....
According to experts, parents need to take an active and assertive role in their children's education on a daily basis for optimal success at school. Ongoing research shows that parental involvement in schools improves student achievement, reduces absenteeism, and restores confidence among parents in their children's education.
Parental involvement means reading to your children, checking homework every night, limiting television viewing or screen time on school nights, developing a relationship with your child's teacher, and simply asking children about their school day. Whatever the level of involvement, it is important to be consistent in order to make a difference in your children's lives.
THANK YOU to all the parents and guardians leading your child's education. We appreciate you!!
Education is a work of heart and who has a heart bigger than teachers?! THANK YOU to all of the teachers and staff at H.E.S. who continually go above and beyond the call of duty because it comes from your heart! We see you and we appreciate everything you do for your students and your community.
This week American Education Week is November 13-19th. Please take time to reflect on all of the hard work teachers do and the time they put into your child. We wouldn't have any profession without teachers. We want to send our most heartfelt appreciation to our beloved teachers and staff at H.E.S. every day, but especially this week! THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO for our students at H.E.S.
Picture ReTake Day at H.E.S. has been moved to Monday, November 14th. Please mark your calendars!
Please see the attached notice regarding our lunchroom Share Carts. Share Carts allow our students to share certain unopened food items with other students at no additional cost.
Please find the original PDF here: https://5il.co/1kihy
Picture ReTakes are Monday, November 14th!!
These fantastic students were caught leveling up on their Lexia skills! We are so proud of them and their hard work. Congrats!!!
These fantastic students were caught leveling up on their Lexia skills! We are so proud of them and their hard work. Congrats!!!