Picture Day went GREAT thanks to our amazing photographers from Iconik Studios! Please be on the lookout for photo cards you can scan for picture info. They should come home today. If students don't make it home with them, don't worry. I will communicate with you when we send proofs home in approximately 3 weeks!! As a friendly reminder, we ask that you do not call the school office as our secretaries do not have information about school pictures. Instead, email brandi.karnes@herrinschools with any questions. Thank you in advance for your cooperation! *Picture retakes will be Wednesday, November 29th!!
Please see attached for an important press release regarding September key dates. Important reminders include early dismissals, a holiday school closure, and parent-teacher conference schedules.
The PDF version is available here: https://5il.co/23kxe
SAVE THE DATE: ICONIK Studios will be at H.E.S. tomorrow! Proofs with online codes will be sent home approximately 3 weeks after picture day. All orders will be placed online and will be shipped directly to your home. We kindly ask that you do not call the school office as our secretaries do not have information on pictures. For any questions, please email brandi.karnes@herrinschools.org!! Thank you!!
The breakfast and lunch menus for September 2023 are now available!
You can always find the most up-to-date menu on our website at: https://herrincusd4il.sites.thrillshare.com/o/hhs/dining
If you are interested in entering the 2023 Homecoming Parade, please complete the Homecoming Parade Entry Form and return it to the HHS Athletic Office by 3:00 PM, Wednesday, September 21st. See the attached form for additional information.
A printer-friendly PDF is available at https://5il.co/23h35
ICONIK Studios will be at H.E.S. on August 31st! Just like last year, you will receive your proof with your online code approximately 3 weeks after picture day. All orders will be placed online and will be shipped directly to your home. We kindly ask that you do not call the school office as our secretaries do not have information on pictures. For any questions, please email brandi.karnes@herrinschools.org!! Thank you!!
Please see attached for an important press release regarding August key dates, including an early dismissal.
The original PDF press release is available here: https://5il.co/22qib
ATTENTION: Today, August 21st, is a 2:00 pm dismissal for students. Please make sure students know what they are doing at dismissal.
Please see below for an important notice regarding the upcoming Herrin Tiger Football game! 🏈
The PDF notice can be viewed at https://5il.co/22dse
Today is our first FULL DAY of school! Attendance matters so thank you for getting our students to school ready to go into their classroom by 8:00 A.M. Dismissal for car riders will begin at approximately 2:30. Please make sure students know their plan for dismissal every day. #schooleveryday #attendancematters
We had a successful first day of school at HES! We would like to give a shout-out to these four individuals that were a HUGE reason our teachers were ready to go. We have the BEST custodial staff! Thank you Mr. Pickel, Mr. Cox, Mr.Cravens, & Mr.Walsh.
HAPPY 1ST DAY OF SCHOOL!!! Today, August 9th, will be a HALF DAY for students and an 11:30 dismissal day. Please make sure students know how they are getting home.
Don't forget tomorrow is our Open House! We can't wait to see you!
The HES REACH team (Resilience Education to Advance Community Healing) surprised our staff with a Flower Bar to welcome them back to school! HES staff were given a colorful vase and had the opportunity to create their own beautiful bouquet to kick off the 2023-2024 school year!
Ever wonder what it takes to become a substitute teacher? ISBE has some excellent resources!
Visit isbe.net/licensure-requirements for more information!
The original PDF is available at https://5il.co/20z18
Herrin Elementary School Supply List
K - 8 School Supply Lists Are Available At: https://www.herrinschools.org/documents/district/annual-documents/supply-lists-(2023---2024)/483492
Please see attached for an important press release regarding a number of upcoming key dates, including Online Pre-Registration, In-Person Registration, and the first day of school.
The original PDF press release is available here: https://5il.co/1z3wn
HES would like to wish Mr. Snell, Mr. McManaway, and the boys tennis team GOOD LUCK today at the State Tournament! We are cheering you on today! 🧡🐾🖤
Herrin Schools will be offering FREE breakfasts from June 5th through June 29th. Monday through Thursday ONLY. 7:15 AM - 8:00 AM. Open to ALL kids and teens 18 and under! See the flyer below for additional information.
Just a reminder that today, Monday, May 22, 2023, will be an early dismissal at 2:00 p.m.