January 16, 2025
There is an upcoming PreK screening for the 25-26 school year on Wednesday, March 19th at the First Baptist Church in Herrin. Call 618-993-2138 or 618-733-3355 to schedule an ap...

February 24, 2023
View the PDF article here: https://5il.co/1pisn

February 22, 2023
Please complete the 2022-2023 5 Essentials Illinois Parent Survey. The survey is open from January 24, 2023, to March 31, 2023.
Start Your 5 Essentials Survey Here
Or Scan t...

February 21, 2023
View the PDF article here: https://5il.co/1pism
March 1, 2021
Until April 2, parents, students, and teachers across Illinois will have an opportunity to participate in the ninth annual statewide Illinois 5Essentials Survey. This survey is de...

February 12, 2020
Our Mission To create a safe orderly learning environment conducive to preparation of highly motivated students To work to ensure that all students achieve to the maximum potent...