If you are looking for a part-time job, NSPC is in need of Noon and Cafeteria Aides. If interested please call the NSPC office at 618-942-5418 or the unit office 618-988-8024 and ask what paperwork needs to be filled out.
over 3 years ago, Principal Matt Viernow
Reminder- If someone in your household is being evaluated for COVID (awaiting a test result) keep everyone within your household at home until you get your test results. If positive call school nurse and send a copy of test result to school nurse. (forward email to lexie.barton@herrinschools.org or send it to school)
over 3 years ago, Principal Matt Viernow
Herrin Youth Sports: Pre-K, Kindergarten and First grade flag football sign up is Wed, Aug 18th 6pm-8pm and Sat, Aug 21st 9am-12pm at the North end of Herrin Park. Cost $40.
over 3 years ago, Principal Matt Viernow
North Side Cooks serving lunches on the first day.
over 3 years ago, Principal Matt Viernow
North Side Cooks serving kids lunch on first day
Parents, Don't forget to come meet your child's teacher and bring their supplies tonight from 3pm to 5 pm. See you then, Mrs. Marshall
over 3 years ago, Sharonda Marshall
Registration for the 2021-2022 school year at Herrin High School Park in the North parking lot. (off Herrin Road) August 3- 1:00-7:00 August 4- 8:30-2:30 August 5- 8:30-2:30 Please bring- 2 proofs of residency. Certified copy of birth certificate, physical form for kindergarten students Bring your kindergarten student if they have not already been screened by a kindergarten teacher
over 3 years ago, Principal Matt Viernow
Kindergarten staggered start information https://youtu.be/W_r1xhruR7I
over 3 years ago, Principal Matt Viernow
Back to School Night
over 3 years ago, Principal Matt Viernow
Back to School Night
I'd like to introduce North Side Primary Center's new Assistant Principal, Her name is Mrs. Sharonda Marshall. Mrs. Marshall taught in the Carbondale School District for 10 years. She lives in Carbondale with her husband, and her three children. She is an Air Force veteran. She is excited to be a part of the North Side Primary family.
over 3 years ago, Principal Matt Viernow
Assistant Principal: Mrs. Sharonda Marshall
Its time to return devices. May 17-21 is IPAD return week.
over 3 years ago, Principal Matt Viernow
Device Return
REMINDER-All students in Kindergarten are required to have a dental exam turned in by May 15th, 2021.
over 3 years ago, Lexie
Spring Pictures are in. Mrs. Ridgway has distributed them to classroom teachers. Look for them in your child's backpack on Monday. (4/26)
over 3 years ago, Principal Matt Viernow
Video #3 of the Kindergarten Expectation series. Kindergarten expectations https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jSlL8BNOW0
almost 4 years ago, Principal Matt Viernow
Some of the Kindergarten classrooms at NS are hatching chickens
almost 4 years ago, Principal Matt Viernow
kids observing
hatched chicks
hatching eggs
Starting Monday, April 12th students at NSPC will start using the playground and the playground equipment. Two classes will be out on the playground at a time. Teachers will monitor the students while they are on the playground to ensure safe distancing. If anyone does not want their child to use playground equipment please call NSPC to let us know (618-942-5418).
almost 4 years ago, Principal Matt Viernow
Spring Picture Update: There has been a delay in the delivery of the spring pictures. We have contacted Lifetouch regarding this matter. Lifetouch is working to resolve this issue and they are hoping for a late April delivery.
almost 4 years ago, Principal Matt Viernow
Egg hunt pics from NSPC
almost 4 years ago, Principal Matt Viernow
egg hunt
egg hunt
egg hunt at NSPC
egg hunt
Kindergarten Egg hunts at NSPC.
almost 4 years ago, Principal Matt Viernow
NSPC student
NSPC student
Easter at NSPC
NSPC Student
Tiger Cub Club Information Video Release Video #2- North Side Primary Center Tour https://youtu.be/9Km708J-6mw
almost 4 years ago, Principal Matt Viernow
If your child is coming to North Side Primary Center next year. We are releasing Tiger Cub Club informational Videos Video #1- Staff Introduction https://youtu.be/b0N5CKLtqng
almost 4 years ago, Principal Matt Viernow