HJHS will be hosting an American Red Cross blood drive Monday in the library from 2:00-6:00. Call 1-800 RED CROSS to schedule your appointment.
over 2 years ago, Brad Heuring
Blood Drive
Attached is information for food pantries in our area that students and families can utilize.
over 2 years ago, Charsi Kane
Franklin-Williamson Co. Food Pantry List Page 1
Franklin-Williamson Co. Food Pantry List Page 2
Franklin-Williamson Co. Food Pantry List Page 3
HJHS will begin state testing on Monday, April 11th and continue through Tuesday, April 19th. We encourage students to do their best on all assessments. You can help your child do their best on these assessments by making sure, if possible, that your child attends school on the days of testing, making sure your child gets a good night’s sleep the night before testing, providing breakfast on the mornings of testing, reminding your child to ask the teacher questions if they do not understand the test directions, letting your child know you have confidence in their ability to do their best, and advising your child not to worry about the test. Please contact your student’s math or ELA teacher if you need additional information or have further questions.
over 2 years ago, Brad Heuring
Parent Assessment Notice
SIH CAREER EVENT APRIL 19TH, 2022 HERRIN HOSPITAL 5:30 P.M. Recently your 7th or 8th grade child had the opportunity to participate in a career fair held at Herrin Junior High School to learn about career fields in healthcare. For those students that would like learn more about hospital operations and the careers offered, SIH - Herrin Hospital will be hosting an on-site event. SIH - Herrin Hospital will provide a hospital tour, COVID safe food, and information on the career avenues available at SIH. Tables will include: Nursing, Respiratory Therapy, Laboratory, Imaging, Therapy, Pharmacy, Surgery, Security, Maintenance, Biomedical Engineering, Administration, Human Resources, IT, and Accounting. Please respond by Wednesday, April 15th. CLICK or COPY & PASTE the following link to RSVP: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=JVUYjxbYOki0IWSYz5K_A_5vF__FaJNIplzIBd0OBJVUM0tTWDJHOFlSU0tFRDJDRTFWVUxTSlI1OC4u
over 2 years ago, Brad Heuring
SUBS FOR SUBS!! Registration is now open for March 22, 2022. Please see the flyer on the HJHS website for more details. The event is open to anyone interested in becoming a NEW Substitute Teacher OR a NEW Short-Term Substitute Teacher. The event will be held in-person at the ROE #21 Training Center in Marion, IL. Prior to attending the Subs for Subs Event, individuals must have completed the following steps: 1- Paid in full for the Subs for Subs event ($20) to secure your spot. 2- Created an ELIS account on the ISBE website (https://apps.isbe.net/iwasnet/login.aspx). 3- Submit official college transcripts in a sealed envelope or via e-script to the ROE #21 office. If you have questions, please contact 618-998-1283. Register here: https://www.roe21.org/event/subs-for-subs-march-22-2022/
almost 3 years ago, Brad Heuring
Subs for Subs
Parents- We need your help! The Illinois 5Essentials Survey for HJHS parents is now live. HJHS is only at an 11% response rate. To take the survey please visit:​https://survey.5-essentials.org/illinois/?target_name=parent Please remember to click submit at the end. The survey is anonymous and we just receive the aggregate data back from the State.
almost 3 years ago, Brad Heuring
5 Essentials
If you have a Student entering Kindergarten for the 2022-2023 school year. Please sign up for the Tiger Cub Club Kindergarten Transition event.
almost 3 years ago, Brad Heuring
cub club
3rd Qtr Midterm Grades will be sent home with students today. Parents need to sign one copy to return to school with your student and keep the other copy. Also attached you will find an opt out form for the IL 5Essentials student survey. You only need to fill it out and send back if you prefer your student to NOT take the 5Essentials student survey. Please send opt outs back to school before Feb. 14th.
almost 3 years ago, Brad Heuring
Opt Out
On Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday (February 8, 9, & 10) of this week Mr. Tate will be here from the High School to go over class scheduling with 8th grade students for next year. Please take some time and discuss classes for next year with your students. The scheduling form is due back to Mrs. Fairfield by next Friday Feb. 18th. Please visit the High School website for class information. You may also email rob.tate@herrinschools.org with any questions.
almost 3 years ago, Brad Heuring
HJHS will have parent-teacher conferences on Thursday, Feb. 10th from 4:00pm - 7:00pm. If you have not been contacted by teachers to set up a conference and would like one, please call the school @ 942-5603
almost 3 years ago, Brad Heuring
PT Conf
HJHS families: Please see the updated masking policy for Herrin CUSD 4 on the district Facebook page or the live feed on the HJHS website.
almost 3 years ago, Brad Heuring
Updated Masking Policy
Boys Basketball Regional Update: Today (2/2/22) is postponed Semi-Finals will be Monday (2/7): Game 1 @ 5pm Carterville vs Herrin Game 2 @ 6:15 Carbondale vs Murphy Tuesday (2/8): Championship game will be at 4pm Herrin Volleyball vs Carterville will immediately follow the championship basketball game.
almost 3 years ago, Brad Heuring
Boys Basketball Regional change for Wednesday: (2/2/22) Game 1 @ 3pm Murphysboro vs Carbondale Game 2 @ 4pm or as soon as possible Herrin vs Carterville Doors open at 2:30.
almost 3 years ago, Brad Heuring
COMING UP THIS THURSDAY!…If you’d like to see the tradition continue, we need you to show up and support the HJHS Italian dinner. Tickets available now at the school. Come enjoy an Italian dinner in the HJHS cafeteria and support the 8th grade class. All proceeds go to the class of 2026! Tickets will also be available at the door.
almost 3 years ago, Brad Heuring
Italian Dinner
The Illinois 5Essentials Survey for HJHS parents is now live. To take the survey please visit:​ https://survey.5-essentials.org/illinois/?target_name=parent Please click submit at the end. The survey is anonymous and we just receive the aggregate data back from the State. We appreciate your responses!
almost 3 years ago, Brad Heuring
5 Essentials
Tonight's boys and girls basketball games with Marion have been cancelled. (1/6/22)
almost 3 years ago, Brad Heuring
Larry's and Dixie Cream fundraiser cards will be going home TODAY (12/16/2021) with students who sold them. Please have them deliver to their customers as soon as possible. Thanks to all who helped raise money for the HJHS fundraiser!!
about 3 years ago, Brad Heuring
The HJHS school fundraiser runs through Monday, Dec. 6th. Please send all order forms and cash/checks to school with your student on Monday. Money and order forms should be returned to each student's WIN teacher. Once all orders are counted, we will order and then distribute the Larry's and Dixie Cream cards to the students for delivery to those who purchased them. Thank you for your help and cooperation.
about 3 years ago, Brad Heuring
The HJHS school fundraiser is ongoing and runs through Dec. 6th. Please encourage your student to participate. The school fundraiser enables us to take field trips, fund school assemblies, and conduct bonus activities such as trips to the bowling alley and skating rink. Without a successful fundraiser, these trips/activities will not be possible. (Order forms have been distributed to students to bring home. Money needs to be collected when orders are taken. Extra order forms are available in the office.) Prize money will be awarded to top sellers and the top selling class will win a doughnut party. Fundraiser orders will be delivered prior to Christmas break.
about 3 years ago, Brad Heuring
Annie Jr Tryouts 2021
about 3 years ago, Chuck Charlet
Annie Jr Tryouts 2021