All Herrin schools will be closed tomorrow, Tuesday, November 3, 2020 in observance of Election Day.
over 4 years ago, Kris Mason
Good morning! Herrin High School will be participating in Red Ribbon Week next week. Please see the image for details. Also, don't forget to schedule a Parent/Teacher/Student Conference on Thursday, October 29.
over 4 years ago, Kris Mason
Good morning! HHS will be holding Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences on Thursday, October 29 from 5-8 PM. From 5-6 PM, advisory teachers will schedule conferences with their students. From 6-8 PM, all teachers will hold conferences for their individual classes (e.g. math teacher, English teacher, CTE teacher, etc.). Conferences may be scheduled through your child's teacher or through Mrs. Williams ( in the office. We hope to have an awesome turnout this semester!
over 4 years ago, Kris Mason
Please join Carbondale United and The Women's Center on Zoom and Facebook Live for back to back sessions on Teen Dating Violence.
over 4 years ago, Kris Mason
HHS Athletic Events 10/16/2020 IHSA Girls Tennis Sectional @ Herrin 1pm. Single matches will be played at the tennis complex. Double matches will be played at Herrin City Park. We ask only essential spectators to attend in order to comply with IDPH guidelines. All spectators must be in masks if social distancing cannot be practiced. (Minimum 6ft apart) Spectators are encouraged to bring lawn chairs and will sit in designated areas around the courts. The bleachers at the park will be off limits. Spectators are prohibited from entering team camps and pavilion areas.
over 4 years ago, Andrew Anderson
Good morning, remember that Wed, 10/14 will be a remote learning day (no in-person learning) for 9th, 10th, & 11th graders at HHS. Seniors/NMSQT/PSAT students need to report to HHS by 8:10 for testing. All seniors must take the SAT as part of state graduation requirements.
over 4 years ago, Kris Mason
Good News! Our phones are back up and running. We can be reached at (618) 942-6606. Also, on Wednesday, October 14th, ALL seniors should report to HHS for SAT Testing. Those 10th and 11th graders who signed up for PSAT/NMSQT testing will need to report as well. All 9th and NON-testing 10th/11th graders will remote learn that day and NOT report to school. Thank you for your patience!
over 4 years ago, Kris Mason
Good morning! This is a reminder that Dental Safari will be at HHS on Thursday, October 1. For additional information or to sign up, please follow this link: Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Kris Mason
DS 2020
Our local McDonald's is honoring educators that exhibit the ULTIMATE DEDICATION to their students & contribute to the IMPROVEMENT OF EDUCATION in our MOST CHALLENGING TIMES! Please follow the link below to honor an HHS teacher!
over 4 years ago, Kris Mason
Latest Breakfast/Lunch Information for Herrin CUSD #4 Families
over 4 years ago, Kris Mason
September is Recovery Awareness Month. In their efforts to raise awareness of drug and alcohol addiction and use, RecoverUs is sponsoring free webinars, titled Hidden in Plain Sight, for parents and adults. The link to register for the webinar is For the next month, RecoverUs has a replica of a teenager's bedroom set up in their facility and will be conducting interviews, podcasts along with the presentation of Hidden in Plain Sight.
over 4 years ago, Kris Mason
Good afternoon HHS families! This is a reminder that Lifetouch returns to Herrin High this Friday from 9 AM - 1 PM. This is our picture retake day. If your child didn’t take a picture, they need to do so on Friday to be included in the 2020-2021 Herrinite, HHS's yearbook. If your student took pictures during registration, and you have not received them, they will be available during this time to pick up. We will announce in the coming weeks the availability of the 2019-2020 Herrinite. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Kris Mason
Due to the ongoing covid-19 pandemic, all 2020 Herrin High School Homecoming activities will be postponed. We hope to have homecoming in the spring of 2021. HHS will keep everyone updated with information as it becomes available.
over 4 years ago, Andrew Anderson
Good afternoon! Dental Safari will be at HHS on Thursday, October 1. For additional information or to sign up, please follow this link:
over 4 years ago, Kris Mason
Good morning families! This is a reminder that 3:00 PM today is the deadline to inform the HHS office if you would like to return from remote learning to in-person instruction or vice versa. The next opportunity will be Friday, October 9. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Kris Mason
Beginning Wednesday, September 2, ALL Herrin High School students may receive a free breakfast and lunch. Lunch status does not matter! Remote learners may pick up along Polk Street at 10:30 AM, and in-person learners may pick up in the Commons Area after school.
over 4 years ago, Kris Mason
Happy Sunday HHS Families, I wanted to drop a quick line today regarding attendance/grades at HHS. Our faculty and staff are tracking an alarming number of students, both remote and in-person, who are not completing any assignments for this semester and who are not checking in with their teachers for attendance. We will be sending grade and attendance information home on Monday during Advisory class for in-person learners and through the mail for remote learners. Live grade/attendance information can be accessed through the PowerSchool Parent and/or Student Portals ( If you would like PowerSchool access, please email and provide your name and your student's name. Every assignment counts for a grade this semester at Herrin High. Through a combined school and home partnership, we can ensure student success. Stay safe, Mr. Mason
over 4 years ago, Kris Mason
Good afternoon! This is an update regarding fan attendance at Herrin CUSD #4 Athletic Events. According to IDPH guidelines, all fans must wear a mask at indoor and outdoor events. Individuals should maintain at least 30 feet distance from any player, coach, or official. We ask that HJHS baseball/softball spectators sit in the outfield. HHS tennis fans may sit in designated areas on the parking lot side. HHS/HJHS cross county and HHS golf spectators may observe from a distance and away from start and finish areas. Thank you for all of your support in observing IDPH guidelines, so our student athletes may participate this season. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the HHS Activities/Athletics Office.
over 4 years ago, Andrew Anderson
Good afternoon Herrin High School Families! At this time, all Herrin High School students are classified as either (1) HYBRID learners who attend school in-person Monday-Thursday and remotely on Friday or (2) REMOTE learners who complete school 100% remotely Monday-Friday. In an attempt to clarify our attendance procedures for hybrid learners on Friday and ALL remote learners Monday-Friday, we are instituting the following policy going forward: Beginning Friday, 8/21/2020, all hybrid learners and remote learners are expected to complete an attendance check-in question for each of their classes by 1:30 PM. Hybrid learners will only need to complete the attendance question on Friday. Remote learners will have an attendance question for EB, 1st, 2nd, Advisory, and 5th hours on Monday and Wednesday, 3rd, 4th, 6th, and 7th hours on Tuesday and Thursday, and all classes on Friday. Students will be considered "absent" for any class in which the attendance check-in question is not answered by 1:30 PM. The attendance check-in question will be outside of each teacher’s normally assigned material and provides a method for Herrin High School to streamline attendance for students learning away from school. Each teacher maintains the ability to assign due dates for assignments in Google Classroom and assign consequences aligned to our student handbook for late work. We apologize for the confusion as we continue to evolve our procedures to best meet everyone’s needs during this unprecedented period. Stay safe!
over 4 years ago, Kris Mason
During 7th Hour on Thursday, 8/13, we will pass out Herrin CUSD #4 e-Learning Device Agreements ( to in-person learners who have been identified as having a device or home internet need. From 1:30 to 3:00 PM on Thursday, 8/13, we will do a drive-thru material/book pickup in the south parking lot for remote learners to pick up their materials. We will also pass out the e-Learning Device Agreement and internet assistance information to families who need a device and/or home internet service. On Friday, 8/14, from 9:00 to 10:00 AM and 1:00 to 2:00 PM, we will distribute Chromebooks to remote learning and in-person students who return a completed Herrin CUSD #4 e-Learning Device Agreement form. If a family is unable to make those times, arrangements will need to be made with Mrs. Cornelius at Please understand that we are extremely limited in what Chromebooks we can distribute. Our expected shipment has not arrived. We greatly appreciate all of the support and patience our HHS families have shown as we transform the learning opportunities available at HHS.
over 4 years ago, Kris Mason